Showing posts with label find candidate email address. Show all posts
Showing posts with label find candidate email address. Show all posts

Find email addresses of all employees in a particular company

Searching email addresses of employees in the Internet is a laborious task particularly when you have no other detail except the company name, but an automated email search software like LeadResearcher Standard can help you quickly find email addresses of all employees in a company in two simple steps.

Step 1: Enter Company name.

Step 2: Click Find E-mail Ids of a Company

Step 3: Results.

LeadResearcher Standard performs expert Internet search and quickly displays the email addresses of all employees in a company.

LeadResearcher Standard has a lot more exciting features. Click here to know more about LeadResearcher Standard.

Try the fully functional LeadResearcher Standard version for FREE!

How to quickly search email address by name?

In today’s digital world, email continues to be the main channel for majority of the business communications. It is estimated that there are more than 1 billion email users and the numbers are expected to rise in the coming years. This is no different in the recruiting industry. Most of the recruiters, hiring managers, and HR professionals use email as their communication tool. So, email ID plays a crucial role in recruiter / hiring manager – candidate communication and it is all the more important when you are trying to reach passive candidates via email.

Generally you get to know about passive candidates from many sources. Most of the time, you know the passive candidate’s name and the company’s name for which he/she works but you are left stranded without an email ID or any other contact details. This is where an automated software to find email address can be handy.

LeadResearcher Standard is an automated email address search software that enables you to quickly find the email addresses of your candidates based on candidate name and company name. Just enter the candidate’s first name and last name and enter the company name for which the candidate is working, and click Find email. LeadResearcher Standard performs expert Internet search and quickly finds the email address of the candidate.

LeadResearcher Standard can also help you find email addresses of employees working in a company, find phone numbers of candidates, find professional networking profiles of candidates, find web profiles of the candidates and find missing contact details based on email address.

Click here to know more about LeadResearcher Standard.

Click here to download the fully functional trial version of LeadResearcher Standard.

Find Missing E-mail ids of Candidates

LeadResearcher Pro is an automated Internet research tool that:

    1. Finds and fills E-mail ids that are outdated or missing in your database

    2. Finds E-mail ids for profiles you shortlist from Professional Networking sites

    3. Does a reverse lookup too (finds name, company, phone, social network profile for a
        E-mail address)

    4. Finds E-mail ids of all employess in a company

and more...

Get your free trial copy here...

Find Email Addresses of Prospective Candidates

Source: eGrabber Newsletter

The new LeadResearcher from eGrabber is an automated Internet research tool that allows you to instantly find business email addresses of prospective candidates on social networking sites.

LeadResearcher helps you save hours of Internet research. All you have to do is:

1. Input the Contact's Name and Company-name
2. Click on "Find Email"

LeadResearcher intelligently scours Search Engines, Company Websites, Networking sites, etc. and finds a working email address for the given contact.

Our sales specialists can quickly show how you can use LeadResearcher to find email addresses of prospective passive candidates. You can either Schedule a Demo with them or Download a 10-day trial version of LeadResearcher to try it yourself.