Tracking your recruitment activities and results

Every recruiting technique has costs associated with it. These costs include both money and time. When you try a new recruiting technique you have to track these costs to evaluate its effectiveness. The easier of the two to track is money.

A simple way to monitor cost is to create a matrix. For each ad, internet posting, headhunter, etc. write the technique as the label for a row on your matrix. Then label you columns with how many candidates you generated, how many interviews, how many offers and how many hires. These are very numbers to keep track of and will give you very nice snapshot of the effectiveness of your recruiting efforts.

Tracking how much time you spend is a little bit more difficult. On the same matrix, create a column for time spent. Try to keep track of how much time you spent creating the ad, talking to headhunters, checking responses online, etc.? Your goal is to choose recruitment activities that deliver results in the shortest period of time and cost the least. Try this for a month or two and you will learn a great deal about what works for you and your company.


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